Sunday 10 June 2012

How To Train A Dog To Poop Outside

If your dog constantly has accidents in the house, you're probably wondering how to train a dog to poop outside. If you own an adult dog, you're probably frustrated and tired of having accidents happen in your home. Your house wreaks of pee.
You'd rather die than have company over. If you've been racking your brains as to how to train a dog to poop outside, this article is for you too. I'll teach you how to train a dog to poop outside so that you never have to step in stinky steamy piles again or have your house smell like urine. The training process is much simpler than you think!
Put Together A Schedule
Whether you've become the proud owners of a puppy or the proud owners of an adult dog, you must put your dog on a schedule. That means, you feed him and walk him on a regular schedule. Why? Two reasons: Dogs are creatures of habit.
Second, if they're on a schedule, they'll get accustomed to holding their bladders based on the schedule you make for them. Once you've got a schedule going,how to make your dog poop outside is a breeze.
Trying to Train Your Puppy?
Remember, puppies don't have the ability to control their bladders as do adult dogs. Still, the same concept apply to puppies as they do for adult dogs. However, puppies need to go more frequently. Puppies need to go pee and poop:
  1. After they've played
  2. About 5-10 minutes after each meal
  3. Before bed time
  4. After they've taken a nap
The best way to train your puppy to poop outside is to crate train him. If you're going to crate train your puppy, then you'll have to plan to be home all day. I highly recommend doing the crate training when you have at least 2 weeks vacation time.
Here's how to crate train your puppy:
Keeping in mind the times I've mentioned above when your puppy is most likely to have to poop, put him in his crate only for up to 3 hours at a time. For instance, when you first come home with your puppy, put him in his crate.
Make His Crate His Home
Make his crate a place where he would want to retire to. Watch your dog carefully. Let him get used to the crate. He has to see it as his home. When a puppy or adult dog paces back and forth, it means they're looking for the right spot to poop.
Train Him On Wee Wee Pads First
Immediately open the crate and scoop him up and put him on the wee wee pad. If you have chosen to train him to poop outside, then scoop him up and quickly take him outside. This method works best if you have a backyard. However, if you live in an apartment building, train him on the wee wee pads first.
Don't Feed Him Off Schedule
When I say put him on a schedule, I mean not just a walking schedule, but a feeding schedule. When learning how to train a dog to poop outside, it's crucial that you not feed him scraps from the table.
Stay Strictly On Schedule and Praise Him
Giving your dog extra scraps from the table is not a bad thing at all. The problem, however is that he is being fed off schedule. Which means, you won't know when he has to go to the bathroom. So stay strict with your feeding time as well as his walking time. Your dog's bladder will get used to it.
Always remember to praise your puppy or dog after he has completed his business. Praising your dog provide the positive reinforcement he needs to continue his habit of pooping outside.

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